How does Pitta dosha affect heart health?

Published on by Butterfly Ayurveda

How would you know that your Pitta dosha is out of balance? Well, symptoms like hyperacidity, anger & frustration, itching, fever, and indigestion should ring a bell. That said, leaving Pitta dosha in an imbalanced state is never a good idea. It can also have adverse effects on your heart health. Without fur between their ado, let’s dive into the post below to learn more about the connection Pitta and heart health.

  • Blood circulation

Blood is a Pitta element that flows in the entire body, thus carrying Pitta around as well. Even the slightest fluctuation in Pitta dosha can have adverse effects on one’s health. Since the heart is responsible for pumping and circulating blood, it will be affected by a Pitta dosha imbalance. Eating right, exercising and stressing less will help restore balance. When facing heart issues, switch to herbal tea for the heart, such as Heart Strong Infusion.

  • Emotional connection

Pitta is responsible for the digestion of both food and emotions in the body and producing vigour, vitality and Ojas in the body. When Pitta is out of balance, you may experience frustration, lack of self-esteem, anger, and confusion, which can stress out the heart and make it overwork, leading to several heart disorders.

  • Ojas

Ojas is the ultimate energy reserve of the body and mind. It contains the purest essence of Kapha and is the bodily strength, vigour, vitality, power. Pitta is directly related to Ojas. Since Ojas lives in the heart and is circulated by it, any heart problems will disrupt the Ojas circulation and lower the body’s immunity guard. Consuming the best tea for health will help maintain Ojas in the body. 

The Heart Strong Infusion, created by the Founder of Butterfly Ayurveda and her R&D team, is a Pitta & Kapha balancing herbal tea for heart health. This heart infusion is designed to care for the heart while serving as a reliable herbal tea for liver health as well. Visit the company website to learn more about the product and place your order. 

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