Treating muscle pain at home: Ayurvedic remedies you must try

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Muscle cramps commonly occur at every age and can escalate in the elderly quickly, leaving them in excruciating pain. 

Muscle or joint pain is considered to be the worst kind since it doesn’t cure itself in just a few minutes. There are several reasons associated with unexplained muscle cramping ranging from dehydration and age factor to lack of calcium and other nutrients. If you are looking for a way to treat muscle pain at home, then take a look at the post below and thank us later. 

Heat therapy

One of the most effective ways to curb muscular pain is heat therapy. You can either apply steam in the vicinity of the cramps or use a hot compress on it. The heat therapy will relax the muscles and reduce the inflammation. You can also try cold compress if heat therapy doesn’t deliver the desired results.


Every best ayurvedic medicine for joint pain or muscular cramping is developed from natural herbs. The ones that you can trust here are ashwagandha, Guggulu, Nirgundi, Yasthimadhu, and Dashomoolarishtha. For easy consumption, you can craft a joint pain capsule out of these herbs as well. The benefit of consuming herbs is that they are natural and offer no side-effects. 

Ayurvedic oil and capsules 

Oil treatment is highly recommended when it comes to joint or muscular pain. This therapy works pretty well for joint pain as the oil reaches the core and treats it at the very nerve by reducing the inflammation. If not oil, then you can rely on ayurvedic pills as well. Ortho- Heal capsules by Butterfly Ayurveda increase the blood flow in the body and ensure a reduction in stiffness and pain within a few doses. These are formulated from potent herbs and are known as the best ayurvedic medicine for knee pain.

Eating well 

What you eat directly affects your body. To keep your body pain-free, follow a Vata-pacifying diet. Salty, sour, and sweet are your go-to items here. Focus on home-cooked, mildly spiced meals that are enriched with nutrients. The more you pay attention to your diet, the lesser pain you will experience.


Essential oils can work wonders in muscular pain. You can always use them as massage oils to relieve the pain manually and de-stress the stiff areas of your body. Otherwise, you can resort to aromatherapy and see the changes happen. Eucalyptus and peppermint are two strong choices that won’t disappoint you. You can also use these oils in your hot bath. 

Relax and move

A little exercise or walking might be good for you as it will help in getting the blood flowing in your body. And the other times, you must also rest and relax as much as you can to give your body enough healing time. 

The key to treating muscle and joint pain is to catch it early. The moment you start noticing a pattern, waste no more time and begin with a remedy that will deliver relief in the long-run. Take care of yourself.  

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