Recommended ayurvedic oils for treating muscular pain

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Ayurveda proves to be the most desired option when it comes to pain management. Unlike western medicine, ayurvedic treatment doesn’t limit itself to the surface; it goes beyond the skin and reaches the root of the problem.

Often the reason for muscular ache is vigorous exercise, excessive movement, or exertion. But other times, such pains can be an indication of something going wrong inside your body. If you don’t have the time to get tested but need an immediate remedy, follow the post below for a list of ayurvedic oils. 

Turpentine Oil

Turpentine Oil is known for its healing and pain-relieving properties, and so it can be easily found in several such oil mixtures. This oil can be applied to the skin and even inhaled. When inhaled, it will decongest the chest and ensure better respiration. And when applied to the skin, it will cause warmth and redness that will reach the root of the pain and deliver relief. 

Camphor Oil

Camphor oil not only reduces pain, but it also decongests and soothes superficial burns. This ayurvedic oil has proved to be quite effective in treating joint and muscular pain by reducing inflammation.

Ortho-Heal Oil

When looking for a potent ayurvedic pain relief oil, Ortho- Heal oil is your best pick. Ortho- Heal oil by Butterfly Ayurveda is crafted from various ayurvedic oils that aim at ensuring pain relief in no time. From muscles to joints, this oil is all you need to get back in action. 

Castor Oil

Next on our list is the castor oil. This product works like a charm for both skin health and pain relief. It is a reliable ayurvedic oil for knee pain. When applying castor oil, you can expect boosted immunity, better blood circulation, lowered arthritis pain, reduced acne, and relief in joint pain. Feel free to mix it with essential oils for an even more soothing effect.


Whether you are dealing with arthritis, muscular pain, or traumatic injuries, Guggulu will help! This ingredient not only assists in pain management, but it offers relief in high cholesterol, acne, and weight gain as well. Guggulu is readily available in the form of capsules. Even though we are talking about oils in this post, Guggulu is quite effective in pain relief, so it had to be mentioned here. 

Eucalyptus oil

Last but not least comes eucalyptus oil. This oil can be either applied to the joints or used in a diffuser for effective aromatherapy. Routine use of eucalyptus oil will soothe the pain by calming your brain. It is a well-known ayurvedic oil for shoulder pain and should always be available in the vicinity for immediate relief. 

Do not neglect your muscular or joint aches if you observe a pattern. Get your discomfort tested at the earliest and meanwhile use any of these oils to keep the pain down. Such oils will help detoxify the body and reduce inflammation. 

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