Here's Why You Should Be Having Black Tea Regularly

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Everyone is familiar with the fact that black teas offer some amazing health benefits. Less well known is the wide selection of herbal teas, which are capable of boosting nutrition and combating specific problems. They can be combined with spices and herbs to make a highly impacting ayurvedic tea of its kind and sweetened to taste with honey or stevia as needed. Most people like having black tea, early in the morning before any meals, so that it can spread out effectively in the body via the digestive tracts and show its wonders.

Most people think that black tea is not good for health as compared to green or white tea however, modern researches proved that black leaf tea also benefits health in several ways. Black tea contains a large number of antioxidants which boosts the immune system and prevents illness. Research shows that people who drink black leaf tea are more resistant to medical problems such as blood pressure, fevers and body pains indigestion this tea also helps in inhibiting cancers of digestive system and breast. Regular drinkers of black leaf tea are more able to relieve their stress faster than non-drinkers. It can also be blended with a number of herbs which enhances its benefits. For example, ginger, cardamom and cloves can be added for relieving flu and colds. Ginger plays an effective role in healing respiratory system. Nutmeg can be added to get relief from throat problems pepper can be added to black tea to help promote digestive system and so on.

Black ayurvedic tea is popular for their appealing taste as compared to other varieties available in the market. In case you're wondering which ayurvedic tea type to start with, then you must try the Ginger Black Tea from Butterfly Ayurveda. This tea is not just tasty and soothing but in winters when you're looking for a tea for cough and cold, this is the best that you can find online. This ‘adrak wali’ chai is helpful in digestion, fighting a common cold or cough, or a fever. It also helps pacify Kapha and Vata doshas. For taking care of any sore throat problems, ginger tea for cold and cough is highly recommended as it works wonders. This ayurvedic tea is also high on antioxidants and helps in flushing out toxins from the body.

So if you have any doubts about the benefits of black tea, you have the Ginger Black Tea from Butterfly Ayurveda. By consuming it, having your exercises regularly and eating healthy and nutritious foods can help you in reducing the risks of serious medical conditions.

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