Which is the best Ayurvedic medicine to strengthen our immunity system?

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Today, when the coronavirus pandemic has affected everyone around us, it becomes more important to keep yourself safe. While you may have a range of powerful hand sanitizers, gloves and masks, one thing that still needs to be added up is your body immunity. The first line of defence of your body against microorganisms is crucial in order for the other supplements and medicine to work smoothly. While many have started taking body supplements and vitamin capsules to keep their immunity boosted, others are taking a more herbal approach like making homemade 'kaadha' and ayurvedic teas.

The Ayurvedic approach is that the body is kept in balance and the immune system at peak efficiency so that infections and various inflammations seldom manifest. If there is a lapse in balance, then rebalance and specific herbal treatments may be necessary to bring the body back to health. To stay healthy, the five basic elements of the universe, i.e. air, water, fire, earth and ether, need to remain balanced and in harmony within the body. Most illnesses arise because of the imbalance of any one or two of the Tridoshas. which leads to malfunction of the internal organs. Although Ayurveda acknowledges that germs spread infective diseases, the treatment is based on the system of Tridoshas. Immunity booster medicine does not eliminate infection as conventional methods do, but instead, it strengthens the body's immune system to fight disease or infection. Hence, the role of ayurvedic immunity booster becomes essential in times of COVD-19.

Ayurvedic treatment for covid -19 can help in bringing down levels of fever, body pain, sore throat, chills and coughs largely. Coronavirus finds its way in reducing the body immunity of those whose bodies can be further weakened due to the attack of the micro-organisms. Ayurvedic medicine for boost immune system has a base of ingredients that help in diminishing the ill-effects of the coronavirus. Use of immunity boosters like I-Immune Capsules helps in strengthening the body systems that fight and win the battle against covid-19 virus. This is the best medicine for immunity that comes with rich ingredients like triphala, haldi, trikatu, mulethi, papaya leaves, shigru, manjishtha, ashwagandha, wheat grass, and guduchi satva. All these work toward enhancing the digestive fire that breaks food particles and churns out the healthifying factors in right measures.

Apart from a regular intake of one of the best immunity booster ayurvedic medicine as I-Immune Capsules, it is also important that you take care of your diet, do some exercise and try not to shoot up your stress levels. Stress depresses our immune systems almost overnight. Changing your lifestyles, opting for the right diet and taking the support of an Ayurvedic regime helps us to support and maintain a healthy immune system.

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