How to Manage Blood Cholesterol Levels with Ayurvedic Medicine?

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Cholesterol is a vital substance of our body mechanism but is also a health risk if present in a disproportionate amount in the body. On one hand, it contributes to such vital bodily functions as building new cells, insulating nerves, and producing hormones. On the other hand, it is a potential life-threat due to its association with various cardiovascular problems. Depending on the quantity (high or low) and the type of cholesterol one has in the blood, cholesterol could prove to be a catalyst for an impending cardiovascular problem.

Alternative Ayurvedic medicine for lower cholesterol is more effective these days in the management of high cholesterol. Being a holistic way of medicine, Ayurveda concentrates to treat the whole body of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) that lead to high cholesterol. Natural herbs and their ability to act against cardiovascular problems are finally getting their long-overdue recognition by medical experts. Heart patients are benefiting from these herbal supplements through recommendations from leading doctors all over the world. Studies and experiments have proven that herbs like Alfalfa, Arjuna, Guggulu, Guduchi (Indian Tinospora), Parijat (Night Jasmine), Manjistha and Holy basil, can be used as ayurvedic herbs against heart-related problems.

Herbs like alfalfa form an essential part of Ayurvedic medicine for cholesterol that helps clean up the arteries. Guggul maintains healthy metabolism and helps decongest the arteries. It brings down the cholesterol levels considerably. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) is another herb that has proven its effectiveness for all heart-related ailments.

In case you’re suffering from high cholesterol problems or know someone who is, you can safely administer the ayurvedic medicine. Pancreofly by Butterfly Ayurveda is the best Ayurvedic medicine for Type 2 Diabetes and one of the safest options to begin with. It’s clinically evaluated unique formulations of herbal extracts, developed scientifically using Ayurvedic concepts act as the best medicine for diabetes condition. This Ayurvedic medicine helps decrease blood sugar levels, controlling diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hyperinsulinemia whilst promoting the peripheral utilization of glucose. It has proven to show effective results when taken as a supplement with allopathic treatment, accompanied with the needful lifestyle changes. It has no side effects.

But the most important step to be taken for treatment of high cholesterol is the adoption of a strict diet regimen and at least 30 minutes of rigorous exercise. Cut down intake of saturated fats and transfats. A diet with more fibre and water is desirable as it aids better digestion, absorption and excretion. Quit drinking and smoking, if possible. Yoga, if practiced daily helps lower high cholesterol to some extent.

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